Farhan Akhtar and Shraddha Kapoor will soon be seen together in Ritesh Sidhwani’s ‘Rock On 2’. Rumour mills have been working overtime about how the two are dating ever since Farhan split from his wife, Adhuna Akhtar. When asked about the link-up rumours during a recent interview, the ‘Wazir’ actor said that it’s unfortunate and bad enough when untrue things are said. Farhan added that he tries hard to not let such things affect him when he’s promoting the film with Shraddha. However, he admitted that the rumours, at some point, do bother him.
Read more.... http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/Bollywood-celebs-talk-about-link-ups/Shruti-Haasan-opens-up-about-her-alleged-affair-with-Ranbir-Kapoor/photostory/54894451.cms